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Shamanic Healing

Macchu PichoShamanic practice draws on centuries old practices of indigenous tribes, offering healing, guidance, stress relief and balance in an often frenzied and chaotic world.

Some common reasons why people schedule a shamanic healing session:

  • your life is good, things are going smoothly....except for that one, tricky piece of the puzzle that hasn't yet fallen into place. Shamanic work often clears blocked energy, loosens up limiting beliefs about what's possible and offers insight into what's going on and what you can do to shift things. I've experienced this very thing many times as a result of receiving shamanic healing. It's powerful!
  • you have a physical ailment that keeps hanging on, despite trying physical therapy, chiropractic care, accupuncture, medication, food restrictions, therapy, etc. Often those persistant physical aches and ailments have their roots in something deeper and can benefit from shamanic work. I worked with someone recently who returned to their chiropractor who reported an amazing shift in their client's body.
  • you're experiencing conflict or difficulty in a relationship, any relationship, and are seeking guidance and support
  • you want to deepen your spiritual connection and tap into the power of your higher Self and the energy of the Spirit world: angels, teachers, saints, animals and so much more.

If none of these apply, you may simply want to relax into who you truly are...

Intrigued but not sure if shamanic work is right for you?  Call or email me to schedule a free phone consultation:   207-747-9223 or [email protected]

Sessions are typically 60 - 90 minutes and you'll receive a written description of your session afterwards. 

I work in a beautiful space on the east end in Portland.  

Shamanic healing sessions can also be conducted long-distance, via phone or Skype/Zoom.

Call or email today to schedule your session!